Included below are a few additional works that are either not part of the A & ~A series of expositions, but were still part of Mr. Hydomako's undergrad academic work or were not part of his academic work, but related to either that work or the ideas of that work. In the case of the former, scans of the original material will be presented (or reproduction scans if the original is missing), and in the case of the latter, these will simply be regular "blog-like" entries.
Winter 2001
PHIL 579.01: Formal Semantics with Ron Clark.
Final Grade Received: A
Abstract: presents a brief framing of what "Possible World Semantics" is and why it exists as a field of study; turns to an analysis of the difficulties encounter when dealing with statements of people's beliefs towards logically equivalent truths with focus on the paradigmatic examples found in identity statements in mathematics; uses the work of Robert C. Stalnaker in his Inquiry in order to establish a potential solution to such problems; present the set of all mathematical statements involving identity claims as both "necessarily true" and also "necessarily equivalent"; illustrates the problem of belief statements qua the individual via his or her knowledge regarding specific instantiations of the universal truth of identity statements in mathematics; assesses procedures for ascertaining a particular individual's belief towards what is necessarily the same claim as manifest in an infinite variety of formulations; illustrates and employs Stalnaker's views on "Possible Worlds" and their relation to the assessment of truth-values with respect to statements about beliefs; presents and employs Stalnaker's distinction between "belief" and "acceptance"; uses this distinction to establish how these two things function with respect to the individual's belief about mathematical propositions; presents and employs Stalnaker's idea of the related "states" with respect to belief and acceptance; shows how mathematics functions with respect to any given individual in terms of the actual work of mathematics; shows the deductive process as it relates to mathematical work and how this allows us to arrive at an understanding and interpretation of individual belief statements about mathematical propositions such that we can solve the problem as initial presented in the paper; illustrates how a person's experience is an integral part of the process of deductions qua mathematical statements; shows how Stalnaker's view gives an adequate account of the problem, the steps towards a solution of this problem, and the key elements involved in the process towards the solution.
Non Academic Materials
Thoughts On Identity
Abstract: examines the relationship of identity; presents some of the difficulties involved in accepting identity as a "real" relationship in terms of other two-place relationships between two separate objects; shows the tension inherent in identity statements whereby an object bears the relationship of identity to itself qua (emptiness, fullness); talks briefly about "structures, singularities, and objects: as being "pseudo-concpets"; illustrates the process of the generation of the set N (the set of Natural Numbers) in terms of the paradox of identity; suggests how this is similar to the Buddhist notion of Pratītyasamutpāda.